EverLoNG Project
EverLoNG aims to encourage the uptake of Ship-Based Carbon Capture (SBCC) by demonstrating its use on LNG-fuelled ships.
Our research will optimise the technology and consider how best to integrate it into existing ship and port infrastructure.
This will be achieved through:
- demonstrating SBCC on-board of LNG-fuelled ships
- optimising SBCC integration to the existing ship infrastructure
- facilitating the development of SBCC-based full CCUS chains
- facilitating the regulatory framework for the technology

Regulatory framework
- For the technologies used in Ship-Based Carbon Capture (SBCC) systems Regulatory and Class Rules frameworks exist that allow for their safe implementation onboard.
- Where prescriptive Rules and Regulations are missing, the alternative design assessment pathways are suitable and available, with knowledge gained from other parts of the shipping industry, i.e. LNG.
- The risks associated with SBCC installations are credible but well understood, with well-established safeguards and design principles available from other parts of the marine industry, like LNG-fuelled vessels.
- In short, this technology can be implemented today from a regulatory perspective
Demonstrating SBCC
- Prototype unit to demonstrate SBCC on-board ships successfully designed, engineered and constructed
- Preparations on-board of the TotalEnergies’ LNG carrier and Heerema’s Sleipnir are on-going
- Demonstration campaigns should start in August/September 2023
- Demonstration TRL 7 for SBCC
- Define standardized SBCC sizes that is an important step in the exploitation plan
Shipboard integration
Important aspects are:
- Understanding the effect of the ship's motion on the CO2 capture process – define operational window or include extra allowances for liquid movements
- Deck space and added weight (CO2 capture, liquefaction/compression, and intermediate storage)
- Effect of exhaust gas impurities
- Energy supply (for CO2 capture process and liquefaction)
- Heat integration with exhaust gas
- Especially amount of “free available heat”
- Cooling for liquefaction
- In case of LNG there is “free cold”
- In case of HFO this needs to come from electricity

CO2 handling infrastructure
- It is paramount to have the necessary infrastructure in place to ensure that the captured CO2 remains captured
- Therefore, developing a flexible infrastructure for handling the CO2 captured onboard ships is needed
- Still, it can't be expected that all ports will have the facilities for receiving and handling CO2
Portside CO2 handling
- The CO2 volume produced would be in the range of 1 800 – 5 000 m3 which must be offloaded at port
- The size of receival facilities at the port must be designed according to the expected ship sizes and number of arrivals per year
- Two main alternatives for unloading
- Pumped from onboard storage tanks to an intermediate portside storage tank or to a barge – limited flexibility
- Container swap – the CO2 storage tanks are lifted off the ship and replaced with empty container(s)
- The CO2 which is being offloaded from ships in port may have different CO2 quality depending on several factors such as engine and fuel type, onboard CO2 capture and conditioning plant performance and storage and shore transfer conditions
- The CO2 processing facility located at the port side should be able to handle CO2 volumes with a certain quality variation

Pilot unit
A ship-based carbon capture (SBCC) prototype developed under the EverLoNG project was installed on an LNG-powered Seapeak Arwa (LNG carrier) owned by TotalEnergies while in drydock in Spain.
LNG vessel, Seapeak Arwa, had the Carbon Capture Storage (CCS) System installed during a recent scheduled docking in Spain. The vessel is chartered to TotalEnergies, who are partners in the project.
Over a period of 3- 6 months, the installation aims to demonstrate CO2 onboard capture and liquefaction, providing real time monitoring of the system operation in the marine environment. The system will take emissions from one of the Dual Fuel Diesel Electric (DFDE) engines, process the exhaust emissions, capturing the CO2 which is then liquefied and stored onboard as part of the supplied CCS package.