Carbon capture technology

Carbon capture is the process of capturing carbon dioxide (CO2) from exhaust gases before it enters the atmosphere. This is an existing technology widely used in land-based industries.

VDL AEC Maritime’s partner Bouman/Carbotreat has developed and delivered various carbon capture units to power plants like Twence and AVR, the towers of which were produced at VDL KTI.

Shipping is considered a hard to abate sector when it comes to decarbonisation. With the VDL carbon capture system, decarbonisation of shipping can start immediately, while alternative options will not be available any time soon.

VDL AEC Maritime has signed a partnership with Carbotreat for the development and deployment of a carbon capture system, called ‘Ship Based Carbon Capture’ (SBCC).

To achieve this goal, both companies are currently involved in projects for vessels sailing on fossil fuels like HFO/VLSFO/MDO and LNG, aswell as for Methanol:


